Exist Finance — A Decentralized Yield Token Platform

Exist Finance
2 min readMay 5, 2021



The DeFi space is experiencing an incredible boom at the moment. Data shows that as of October 2020, huge crypto currency assets worth $24.45 billion were locked into the DeFi ecosystem. The amount is a 240% increase over preliminary data that had been released earlier in June 2020. Although the ecosystem has experienced such growth in a short period of time, it is relatively new and has high expectations of further growth. Exist Finance has explored the possibilities and potential in the DeFi market, and created an excellent platform offering innovative services to benefit the entire market. Exist Finance is a decentralized yield token platform built on the Binance Smart Chain. The protocol is built for token pools and auctions, enabling projects to raise capital on a decentralized and interoperable environment. Exist Finance is simplifying the DeFi ecosystem by a unique and scalable solution with the potential of making Exist token to gain value over time and become profitable for users and operators.

Mission statement
The mission for Exist Finance is to create a platform that supports an open market for auto yield farming without the need for liquidity pools or staking.
Many DeFi projects are developed around liquidity pools and staking, which can be complicated for new traders and users of crypto currency. As such, these projects lock out prospective users or investors due to lack of knowledge on staking or joining liquidity pools. As such, the creation of an open market that allows yield farming without staking or liquidity pools has the potential to attract more users.

Learn about Exist Finance’s recent official news: Website | Telegram | Twitter

